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From Surviving to Thriving

Writer's picture: homewithinhomewithin

Art in Barranco/Lima
Art in Barranco/Lima "Think with the heart"

Surviving is not living, it is bringing yourself from one moment to the next one. At times I was not aware that there was a difference between those two words, they blended.

When I started to learn more about the Nervous System I could understand what happened back then in my body. A healthy, regulated Nervous System expands, contracts, expands, contracts.

When bad things happen to us, our Nervous System experiences an interruption of this function and might get stuck. To survive it finds a way to operate with the interruption. When we are born our Nervous System hasn’t been fully developed yet. If an interruption happens at a very young age or even before birth the difficulties for the Nervous System are bigger. Over the years the Nervous System is used to operate in its own surviving mode but over time that may not be the most beneficial for the body. Health problems, addiction, depression and other symptoms can arise as a result of staying in Survival Mode. We are not living, we are getting busy with surviving.

That is the point where we need support. Sometimes it is hard to reach out or to know where to find he right support. Stepping into healing is not easy, it is scary and it is uncomfortable. For me there was one crucial realization: compared to the discomfort of healing, the other option of living in surviving mode is worse. I strongly believe in the power of wanting a better life quality. From this place of personal power it is possible to find the motivation, and persistence needed to walk the path of healing.

Too often we try to treat the symptoms rather then the interruptions that caused the symptoms.

The symptoms are bits of information that tell us, that something is not right in our body. Listening to the symptoms of our body and taking action, looking into the trauma and being supported in the healing process are fundamental steps to rewrite our story.

The wonderful thing about healing that I discovered is that we don’t have to heal all in once. We can slowly expand our capacity to be able to deal with our wounds. Our Nervous System can readjust bit by bit to a different way of operating.

As every story is unique, so to is every nervous system.

But there is a common factor that we all share: we all seek to thrive in life. Through healing it is possible to experience thriving. I personally have my own rhythm of healing and once I overcame the desire of “BOOM”, I have be healed from one moment to he other and I accepted my own growth pace, I felt more at ease.

I noticed that I enjoyed life more and more and that coping with difficult circumstances got easier. I realized that I was transitioning from “surviving” to “thriving”.

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